Today I am overlooking my webpage and trying to clean up any loose end I find in the design of my site. I am trying to make a convenient shopping website, as I have stated in previous blogs I am trying to combine the great features from other sites and make one great website that everyone will love because of how convenient it is to find any product imaginable. Designing a shopping site based on my own personal preferences is hard because everyone who uses this site will have their own preferences
of what they love about using these individual sites. That is why I researched the most popular sites
and worked on drawing parallels of why these sites work and why customers keep coming back
to use them. Questions I would ask myself is do they love the site for the layout? The many products
that the website offers to its customers? Do they like how safe it is to use with pay-pal and their secure
server? I asked myself these multiple questions and address them in my paper because there are so
many factors of why these sites work and why so many people are members to these sites.
I have not seen what the other kids in class of been working on but I can not wait to see how they addresss
the problems that I was faced with and what type of web shopping site they created for this project.
When we view everyones site on Monday November 9th it will be great to see everyones different layouts of what
they find to be convenient in a site, and what they included in their site that already established sites
are using. Well that is all I have to write about at the moment and my next blog will include which projects I like
the best and what makes them great.
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